Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Cutting the Cost for Senior Year

I promised I would post some pictures of an idea that I came up with in order to cut some of the major cost of having a Senior in High School, so here it is. Everyone knows kids are expensive, but just wait until their Senior year. You know, they must have all the "Senior" items that are pushed on them by the school. It starts with the Senior T-Shirts, Senior pictures, cap and gown, graduation announcements, and so on and so on.
I refused to go in and pay to have photo's taken and pay $600-$800 for professional photo's. I have a great digital camera and what more do I love than taking photo's of my kids....nothing. We loaded up and went to the Botanical Gardens here in Fort Worth with a few change of clothes. I took the photo's in April, since I knew it wasn't going to take long for me to get the announcements done. (We own a printing company.) I also didn't want to take pictures in August and then hand them out 10 moths later, even though he was 18 he really did change alot during that time frame. Nate's girlfriend came along with us, so I was able to get some great shots of them as a couple along with taking a ton of pictures of him. Here are a few of the shots we took, we also had some really funny ones because he was at ease with me taking the photo's.


Here we told him to give us his "sexy" pose. We actually used this one on his cake at his graduation party!


This was a fun one we took with his girlfriend.


Serious shot with GF


So many beautiful backgrounds!


Even a brother and sister shot


Here is the finished product

Showing how it opens


So whatcha think?

It was such a fun day and we have so many fun memories of taking those photo's.


YellowRose said...

I think the folks that do it for a living aren't going to like you! LOL

I loved his announcements!! Very orignal and personal!

Anonymous said...

Now this is right up my alley and the twins! They absolutely hate pictures and have refused to have their pictures taken for the yearbook the past few years! Heck, they didn't even want class rings!

They would be more comfortable around the people we know who would take the pictures then some studio.

I thank you for sharing! BTW, these pictures rock! He is soooo handsome!