Thursday, August 7, 2008

Random Thursday Thirteen - #3

I had to go totally random this week, so here are thirteen random things.
1. Nate finally got registered for his classes at college. I had no idea it was going to be such a major ordeal to get him registered!
2. Missy has been reading all week long. She is my reader and she is now reading Twilight that her wonderful aunt YellowRose bought for her.
3. We had a neighborhood crime watch meeting last night. We used to have one but due to "those" neighbors we are getting it started back up again. It was very informative and we all now feel we have the support of our police department.
4. I can't believe school is getting ready to start again, we actually went and bought a few items for Missy to start back to school. I try to get this done early so we do not have to go when there are huge crowds.
5. I have hives all over today, I think this is a delayed reaction from some major stress that has been going on the past few weeks. I even have them on the bottom of my feet so it feels like I have something huge in my shoes. *Ouch*
6. The temperature has actually been below 100º finally. We had 12 days straight of temps over 100º. We actually have a chance for rain this weekend. *YEAH*
7. With the temps being so high, so many of my plants are looking so sad. I have definately lost four of them to the temps and one by a mischievous black Lab.
8. Tomorrow my BIL graduates and I really wish I could go to the ceremony, but we are going to meet for a celebration dinner that evening and as always with our crew I know it will be a blast!
9. Hubby's knee is bothering him again, I sure hope he is not going to have to go in again. The Doc told us last time if he continues with the problems he will have to have it replaced. He has done everything he can do. :-(
10. I have been having some really weird dreams lately. The other night Missy woke up in the middle of the night and came in and laid down with me. The next day she told me I had grabbed her face and was really mad. (Luckily she is one tough cookie and just threw my hand off and woke me up.) Needless to say she went back to her bed. :-)
11. Work has really picked up this month. Seems like we can't stay ahead. That is a good problem to have, but just hope we can meet all these deadlines.
12. I miss my neice. I have to give her a call tonight and see how she is doing. She started a new job and the store was just getting ready to open.
13. Well that is about as RANDOM as any I have seen before. It kind of reflects on how my mind has been over the last few weeks. Happy Thursday everyone!


YellowRose said...

As fantastic an aunt as I am, I have to confess, I didn't buy Twilight for Missy, I just told her to read it! I'm still fantastic though. ;)

I'm sorry you are all hivey today, I'm sure it's a delayed reaction to the stress. Relax....and don't scratch!!! LOL

We'll have a good time Friday bring your party shoes!

Love you!

Barbara Doduk said...

Relax indeed, sounds like life is busy for you.

Happy TT

B @ The Love Blog

Mitchypoo said...

Random, but interesting to get to know you. See you on plurk! Come visit me if you can!

Lilibeth said...

Almost like a news letter here. I wish some family members of mine could do their Christmas letters as concisely. ha ha.