Thursday, September 11, 2008

Friday Fill-Ins #89 we go!
1. I enjoy taking pictures.
2.Why so many have forgotten about 9/11 and all the pain hatred caused, is something I wonder about often lately.
3. In your heart, you knew that I have always tried to do the right thing.
4. Take YellowRose and Sheeshintx, add a little wine and you end up with an evening full of laughter.
5. Life has gifted me with a wonderful family that I love dearly.
6. My backyard is an instant vacation.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to probably driving to my sisters (she is wonderful and is helping me with a project), tomorrow my plans include staying in since hurricane Ike will be here and Sunday, I want to see that we have had no damage and get all my errands caught up!
Wanna Play?


ShannonW said...

Be safe in the approaching storm!

Lifecruiser said...

Yes, I can tell only from your plurking that you and YR is great fun when you come together! Ah, love that, it's just like it should be!

I so know about the backyard being your vacation - that was my life up to the end of 2003 :-)

Oh, I saw your Flickr photo badge in the sidebar and went ahead and added you on Flickr. Niiiice photos - you must take more. I wanted to write e testimonial for your photos, but there was no link for me to click to do it. I'm not awake yet, I might have a look again... *giggles*

Take care in the storm.

Lifecruiser Travel Blog

threesidesofcrazy said...

#2 was a perfect answer - have a safe uneventful weekend.

LarryG said...

yeah a camera!

yeah pain!

yeah do it right!

Yeah sissies

yeah family

yeah the backyard

have a great weekend


Janet said...

Stay safe this weekend and have fun with your sister :-)

teabird said...

#2 - absolutely. Why? Because it's easier to hate than think...

I hope you're safe --

Here's mine -

YellowRose said...

ROFLOL @#4...we do know how to have a good time! Love ya!

CJ said...

I agree with you on number 2. I don't get that at all.

I hope Ike passed you by!
