Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ten on Tuesday #11 -10 Things You Want for the Holiday

Do they have to be presents I would actually get? I say no!
1. A maid that will keep my house clean and cook our meals. :-)
2. A new car.
3. I cheated and saw this on the Neiman Marcus Christmas book - Guinness® Authentic Guinness Home Pub Package. The funny thing is my home pub would cost more than my house!
4. A large spread of land to build a house and have room for horses and a ton of animals.
5. Somebody to come in and help clothes shop. I mean someone to help me get really cool outfits that I feel good wearing!
6. A trip to Ireland or Italy.
7. My niece showed me this yesterday, it is a digital picture frame, but it is the size of 32" t.v. They have it on Brookstone's web site. This would be nice to show off my pictures I take.
8. A gourmet kitchen.....for the maid of course.
9. Walk in shower with one of those waterfall faucets....mmmm relaxing!
10. For my family and friends to have a prosperous and healthy year!!
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Anonymous said...

Those are some nice things on your list! Who is to say they will never come true! Have a great day :)

YellowRose said...

I love the Guinness pub package! Sweet!

Love #10 too! ;)

Cheryl Pitt said...

D'oh! Why didin't I think of #1?