Thursday, October 30, 2008

Friday Fill-Ins #96

1. My favorite food seasoning is garlic....pass the breath mints.
2. Peace and quiet is music to my ears.
3. Lucky is waking up and realizing it is Saturday.
4. My family is something I take very seriously.
5. Many people think about things to hard rather than follow their heart.
6. Guitar Hero World Tour for my kids oh and hair spray was the last thing I bought at the store.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to going to a friends house for Halloween, tomorrow my plans include being completely lazy and Sunday, I want to catch up on my house work!
Have a great weekend and a Happy Halloween!!
Wanna Play? Click the link below:


Janet said...

no garlic for me on know, just in case ;-)

Thanks for playing, have fun this weekend :-)

YellowRose said...

We always have at least one the same! LOL Have a ghoulish Halloween!!

SmilingSally said...

#4 Family is my answer too.

LarryG said...

Like that quiet music? must be teens around - lol.

World tour is out? I hope you bought AA batteries for the gadgets!

Enjoy your weekend!

See my Fill-in

Amber said...

great background, very spooky :o)
I never found breathmints to be effective while eating garlic (I mostly eat it raw tho).
Lucky Kids (#6), I'm jealous, can i come over and play?
Hope you have a relaxing weekend, and Happy Halloween :oD

Melissa said...

I thought those pics were amazing too. Baby Gabriel doesn't want to dress up and Jason is going to be a disco man. LOL Have yall moved yet?? Or are yall still in the same location? How are things working out? Have fun tonight!

Yvonne said...

I love garlic, but I didn't think of that! Have a great weekend.

Lifecruiser said...

#5 is very, very true and so important.

I hope you have a wonderful Halloween and All Saints Day :-)