Monday, October 6, 2008

Happy 13th Birthday Alyssa!

Wow, where did the time go? I remember being a kid and hearing my parents say this, and at the time it seemed like Christmas only came every five years! As an adult I find myself saying this a lot lately.

My how she has grown into a beautiful young lady. I love you girl!


YellowRose said...

Happy Birthday to my favorite niece!! Love you!

Gosh she has grown up so fast...what a beauty!!

Sword Mama said...

Happy Birthday to your daughter!! :-D

Lifecruiser said...

Wow, she really is a beautiful girl!

Happy birthday x millions to another lovely Libra :-)

*smashing some balloons* (sorry couldn't resist being a kid again ;-)

*tasting the yummy cake*


Lifecruiser said...

Wow, I love your Halloween layout. So simple and yet so striking! Fantastic.

TorAa said...

Come to you from Mrs Lifecruiser

What a coinsidence:
13 she is. And our daughter: 31

happy BD to the both of them

Melissa said...

oh my gosh, she is 13 already?! Wow how time flies!!! Look how cute she was when she was little, now she is becoming a young lady!