Monday, July 21, 2008

Ten on Tuesday-10 Least Favorite Celebrities

This one was tougher than choosing my favorites, but here it goes:

1. First on my list is Brittany Spears. I truly hope she gets her life back on track, but I am so tired o hearing about her screw ups.

2. On the same not, Lindsay Lohan.

3. Paris Hilton-clueless and her voice sends shivers down my spine.

4. Paula Abdul-who is able to make the money she does and show up stoned?

5. Jessica Simpson-hey I am a Cowboy's fan, enough said. LOL

6. Donald Trump-with all that money can't he get a better hairpiece?

7. Rosie O'Donnell-I know some really like her, but I think she wears everything on her shoulders and she get so annoying.

8. Tom Cruise-I love him in Top Gun, but over past several years I think he has just went overboard.

9. Hillary Clinton- Sorry just do not see what she had to offer our country. Yes we can! does not protect our citizens. Just my opinion.

10. Pam Anderson-get a clue!

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Wanna play?


PJD said...

I agree with many of these, but really I don't mind the vapid bimbos. I think it's sad they exist and are exploited so (initially by their parents, typically), but they provide a useful cautionary tale for the rest of us.

YellowRose said...

We have some of the same on our list! We are so related! LOL

Me said...

I have Tom and Rosie on my list, too.

Love pjd's reference--vapid bimbos. I was trying to think of a good way to describe them, and that's perfect. I left them off my list because I feel sad for them more than I don't like them.

Weirdly enough, reading about Britney's whole fiasco actually helped me get through my father's death because I could appreciate that at least what I was going through was a normal thing that wasn't as terrible as totally ruining one's own life (and her children's!) by one's own hands.

Teena in Toronto said...

Cruise is whacked!

I played too :)

stephanie said...

Paris Hilton's voice sending shivers - that is a perfect description.

And I am so with you on #5. She is a jinx and must go. I think I'll write Tony a letter this week...