Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Wordless Wednesday - My Blooms

I am having issues with the pictures getting cut off. To see a larger image please click on the photo.
Okay, not completely wordless. This is my favorite plant that I have. Each time I get a new bloom the yellow and pink vary where they are at. This one just happened to be perfect with the yellow in the center and all the outer ones were pink.
Wanna play?



Princess Vien said...

Nice shot!!

Mine is up!!


Happy WW!!

Unknown said...

That's one odd plant - and so cool :D
Sweet shot!
I've never seen anything like that!
Happy WW!


Quarantine Hobby said...

Beautiful flowers! I love the way the center is yellow--that's neat that it changes with each bloom!

Happy WW :)

YellowRose said...

Yep found some and planted them!! I love them! Great shot sis!

Henry (aka Quadpawd) said...

Pretty shot. Love all the color.
Have a great day!
