Thursday, July 10, 2008

Totally Random

Well I didn't do my Thursday 13, so I thought I would just list some radom things that have been going on.

Hubby has been sick since July 3rd and it has been tough. It started out as a simple cold and it lead to a sinus infection and ear infections. Today is the first day he has felt human again and was able to come to work. Missy just messaged me and said "Mom, I think I am getting sick". UGGHHHH NOOOO! So I am keeping my fingers crossed that this is not going to be shared throughout the whole family.

We are dog sitting a friends dog this week. She was actually our dog, but due to the fact she was very energetic and Hubby's knee giving out on him and he couldn't walk her, we had to find her a new home. It was hard, but we knew she needed a home where they would be able to take her for walks and she really needed to be the only dog. Needless to say it has been interesting having four (yes I said four) dogs running throughout our house.

Work has been crazy busy. We had two weeks that were really slow, then it appears everyone realized they were slacking off at work and said oh no I need to get my projects done that I put off. I guess that is a good thing, but sure makes the days crazy.

I have been having an awful time going to sleep at night. I have been in bed by 8 and it is still midnight or later before I go to sleep. I don't know if it is stress, too much caffeine (but I need that to stay awake during the day because I am not sleeping) or what. Anyone have some tips? I feel like I need to walk around with toothpicks propping my eyes open during the day and really could use a good 8 hours sleep.

Guess I need to get some things done. Have a great day!!


YellowRose said...

Get some Lunesta!! Seriously! It works for me! ;)

Meant to call you today...sorry, it's been one of those days. Hope Missy isn't getting sick, that's all you need.

Love you!