Friday, August 22, 2008

Friday Fill-In #86

1. Dancing to the beat of anything while in my hubby's arms makes me so happy.
2. The last time I laughed with my sister I nearly peed my pants.
3. When I drive I usually have music blaring and you better get out of my way.
4. I saw true love standing right next to me this morning.
5. Give me time to spend with my family, give me happiness, give me no hives for a change.
6. Next week I am looking forward to my kids starting back to school.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to probably some last minute school shopping for kids, tomorrow my plans include sleeping in then going to dinner for my mom's and BIL birthday and Sunday, I want to do nothing best rest!
Wanna play?


YellowRose said...

Hey we have the same plans for Saturday! LOL

I like your answer for #2....ummm, me too! LOL