Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ten on Tuesday #6 - 10 Things I Didn't Like About School

1. Drama- Not the class, the drama about who is mad at who and who looked at who the wrong way.
2. PE Class. I understand we need it, but it was always so boring!
3. The groups - I understand we were all exploring who we were, but I hated the labels of jocks/nerds/burnouts etc.
4. Lunches - If we were paying for food, at least have something that had taste to it.
5. Waking up early!
6. Homework.
7. My best friends were all older than me, so I hated not being able to drive.
8. The hard teachers. Don't get me wrong, I like a challenge, but I had several that no matter what I did I could never make the grade.
9. Buses.
10. Boredom.
Wanna Play?


YellowRose said...

I played this week and thought of many that could go on this list! LOL Believe it or not, we actually have different ones this week! LOL

Lazy Daisy said...

Oh my goodness....did we go to the same high school? Loved your list.