Monday, August 4, 2008

Way too hot!

One of the biggest topics here is the heat! I know living in Texas you have to get used to having hot temperatures, but this is just plain ridiculous. The temps have been between 104-107 and let me tell you there is no such thing as dry heat. It is just plain hot outside. My plants are all turning an ugly shade of brown no matter how much I try to keep them watered and my air conditioner is running almost non-stop.
I went in the garage yesterday to get some things out of the spare fridge and I broke a sweat just being in there the few minutes I was there. We have a pool, but it is even too hot to get out in the pool. I did absolutely nothing yesterday! I went on line and played Scrabble on my favorite game site and other than that I couldn't make myself do anything else!
This is the time of year that I have empathy for those who work outdoors.
I hope everyone has a great week, mine will be spent trying to find a way to stay cool!


YellowRose said...

Stay indoors, drink lots of water, tea, whatever and try not to do anything that requires energy...that's my answer to this heat!! UGH!