Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Ten on Tuesday #7 - 10 People I Would Like to Meet

I chose to do some from the past and some from the present.
1. Jesus - Now, I am in no hurry to meet him, I am enjoying being here with my family to rush it. I have so many questions I would like to ask him.
2. Annie Oakley - I wouldn't want to live during this time frame, but I would love to sit and visit with her. I was always fascinated reading about her.
3. Mae West- During a time when things were so conservative she was trying to break the mold. I would love to hear some of the tales she could tell.
4. Heath Ledger - I would like to know what was happening before his death. Knight's Tale is one of the movies I can watch over and over again.
5. Michael Jackson - Not that I am a fan of his, I would love to sit down and ask him what the heck happened to him. It fascinates me how someone can be on top of the world and then take such a u-turn.
6. Grace from Amazing Grace-Not the actress, but the character. I think she would be a blast to hang out with for a night.
7. Oprah - It would be neat to sit and visit with her.
8. John Travolta - What a career he has had, another one I would love to just talk with.
9. Michael Phelps - He is amazing.
10. Jonas Brothers-Okay I know this one is out there, but my daughter is such a huge fan, if I could I would love to meet them and take her with me so she would be one happy girl.
Wanna Play?


YellowRose said...

For once we don't have any of the same ones!! LOL

The Jonas Brothers???? LOL

LarryG said...

that is a cool list...
i would be interested in Eve, get the straight scoop on what happened in the garden.
Elvis, Amelia Earhart

but I like your list tons!

Janet said...

oh man...my stomach did a flip when I read #4...so sad he's gone!